Friday Reads 7-12-19

Sorry I have been MIA this week. It's been a doozy. I haven't even read anything since Tuesday. So my first priority will be catching up on all the books I'm supposed to be reading for this week. Then I will be reading the following:

The Daughters of Juarez by Teresa Rodrguez - I'm all caught up on this one, but I'm spreading it out over the whole month, so it's not finished yet.

A Curious Beginning by Deanna Raybourn - This is the book club book for next Friday. I'm almost caught up, and I plan to finish it by Friday, obviously.

On the Come Up by Angie Thomas - This one is long, so I'm spreading it over 2 weeks. I plan to finish it this coming week. It reads pretty fast and it's really good.

Crown of Feathers by Nicki Pau-Preto - This is another thick book that I plan to finish in the coming week. I've only barely started it.

Birthday by Meredith Russo - I'm mostly done with this one. It reads pretty fast and it's getting exciting, so I don't anticipate much trouble getting it done.

You Must Not Miss by Katrina Leno - I really hope this goes fast because I hope to finish it this weekend. I'm on page 42.

After I finish those last 2, I'm going to start:

Lovely War by Julie Berry - I've heard this is fantastic. It's set in WWI, which is something you don't see every day. Also, it's a fat book, so I'm spreading it out.

The Last Voyage of Poe Blythe by Ally Condie - I have not been a fan of her other work, but I've heard this is better. Here's hoping. This one I hope to finish in a week. Crossing fingers.

That is a loooong list, but I'm hoping to have a very quiet weekend. I said that last week and it didn't happen.