July 2019 Library Update

It is the time of the month when I tell you what is happening on my library account. And this month, there actually is stuff happening on my account.

Here is what's checked out right now:

Hey, Kiddo! by Jared J. Krosoczka - I still haven't read this. I have to do a quick presentation on it for a thing in October, so I'm not in a hurry. I don't know why I got it so early.

The Daughters of Juarez by Teresa Rodriguez - I'm still reading this one, also. I'm about half way through, which is a bit behind, but it reads pretty fast, so I'm not worried. Yet.

The Queen by Josh Levin - This one doesn't read nearly as fast. Lots of words on the page and small margins. It's taking me a hot minute. The story of this woman who scammed the government out of thousands of dollars is fascinating. She was a bold woman, to do what she did.

Warrior of the Wild by Tricia Levenseller - This is a YA novel inspired by the Vikings, or so I hear. We'll see. It has a cool cover, tho.

Here are the books I have on hold:

Naturally Tan by Tan France - I'm excited about this little memoir. The fourth season of Queer Eye came out recently. I haven't even watched the third one, though. I need to catch up! Of course, I watched the first two seasons in the middle of the night after a car wreck last year, so I hope I don't find the time that way.

The Merciful Crow by Margaret Owen - One of the booktubers I watch raved about this book, so I put it on hold. It looks like this book has a lot of political plot points: a prince that fakes his own death, a bodyguard that wants something, and the body collector who has to hide the truth.

Twisted Twenty-Six by Janet Evanovich - Get ready to see this on my list for awhile. It comes out in November, but it already has almost 200 holds on it. Sigh.

And that is the entire list! I feel like there is a lot on there for someone who gets new books mailed to her every month for free. But there it is.

What kind of exercise is your account getting these days?