July 2019 Goodreads Update

Yay! My favorite day of the month! The day I see how ridiculously long my Goodreads TBR is getting.

The Printed Letter Bookshop by Katherine Reay - I have enjoyed Reay's books in the past. This one just came out this year. I won it in a giveaway done by my library's collection development department. They receive a lot of advanced reader's copies of books and then after the book is published, they give away the ARCs to staff members.

From Hell to Breakfast by Cynthia St. Aubin - I can't remember where I ran across this gem, but it looked like fun. Apparently, it's a spin-off of the next book on this list. It appears to be a romance between supernatural bad guys.

Unlovable by Cynthia St. Aubin - This series is called The Case Files of Dr. Matilda Schmidt, Paranormal Psychologist. There is a lot in that subtitle that could be hilarious. I hope it's funny and not just vampire porn.

The Beautiful by Renee Ahdieh - I missed out on this author's first big series. Now I have the opportunity to get in on this one at the beginning. The Goodreads summary indicates that it is a murder mystery set in 1870's New Orleans starring a girl on the run from her life as a dressmaker in Paris.

Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater - I loved this author's Raven Cycle series. This book is the first in a series following one of the main characters from that series. It sounds a little woo-woo, but I'm willing to withhold judgment until I read this first one.

Things to Do When You're Goth In the Country by Chavisa Woods - This is a short story collection that I've heard good things about. Also, that title! I'm here for it.

I am very proud of myself! This might be the least number of books I've ever added to my list in one month! Probably because all the other books in existence are already on my list.

Is there anything new on your TBR?