Friday Reads 8-9-19

I'm pretty excited for this Friday. We leave on "vacation" on Sunday. And by vacation, I mean taking my kid back to college. That part is hard, but we get to enjoy a break in the horrendous heat and humidity that is August in Oklahoma. We get to do some fun things in Denver. Then we get to take a short trip to Santa Fe! So it kind of is a vacation.

I am not even remotely ready to leave, but it's fine. I'm fine. Everything's fine.

Because we will be spending 3 days of the next week in the car, I will have tons of reading time, which is great because I haven't caught up with all I need to read this week. Here's what will be in my vacation book bag:

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor - I'm planning to be reading this all month, so you'll be seeing this on a lot of Friday Reads lists.

Lexicon by Max Barry - I read about half of this book before, but as I'm reading along now, I can't remember any of what I'm reading. That's ok. It's not boring.

The Merciful Crow by Margaret Owen - I've just barely started it, but it started with a bang for sure.

The Art of Losing by Lizzy Mason - This is a YA book about a drunk driving accident and the effect it has on everyone involved. I'm not really looking forward to it, but the friends in my reading group who have read it liked it, so we'll see.

Cold Day In the Sun by Sara Biren - This is a contemporary YA romance. Meh, but I need to read it. It's not very big. Maybe it will go fast. It's about a girl who plays hockey and all the kerfuffle that causes in the town, and she falls in love with the team captain that she hates.

Hey, Kiddo! by Jarrett J. Krosocska - I have to read this graphic novel for a presentation in October, so I guess I better get on it so I have time to decide what I'm going to say.

6 books. But one of them will probably take less than an hour to read. So five books for all intents and purposes. Plus, catching up on this week's reading. It's doable.

What will you be reading this week?