Library Update 8-22-19

I gotta be honest. There isn't a whole lot going on with my library account right now.

Checked out:

Rebel by Beverly Jenkins - The Read Harder Challenge is to read a historical romance by a person of color. This one just came out this year. I don't really love traditional romance books. But, they generally read pretty quickly, so I can probably handle it. I hope.

On Hold:

It Happens: A Guide to Contemporary Realistic Fiction for the YA Reader by Kelly Jensen - I ordered this one from Amazon, but I have kept it on the request list because I am the one who requested that the library purchase it. There used to be 4 people on the hold list, but now it's down to 2. The funny thing is, I'm not even number 1 on the list. I can't decide if I should remove my request because it has literally been on hold for 10 months. They purchaser for the library says all her warehouses are out of this book.

Twisted Twenty-Six by Janet Evanovich - Get used to seeing this on the list for a few more months.

What should I do about my hold for a book I already own? Should I release it so the purchaser can stop feeling guilty about not getting it? Should I keep it on hold since I'm the one that requested it?