Friday Reads 8-30-19

Oh Friday. Here you are again. It is a stormy day in my neck of the woods. Wish I was reading and napping, but alas. I must work.

But when I am done working, I have a 3-day weekend to look forward to! I hope to get lots read. Here are my plans.

First I need to finish up a few books for August:

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor - I only have about 150 pages left of this beast! I fulfills the Read Harder Challenge to read a book written by a woman that won a literary award.

The Lovely and the Lost by Jennifer Lynn Barnes - It just so happens that Barnes is an Oklahoma author. This book is about a girl and her search and rescue dog that are called in to help find a little girl in the woods. The girl was once a lost child herself. She spent weeks alone before someone found her. She still suffers from feral child syndrome sometimes, but being with the dogs helps.

Refraction by Naomi Hughes - I guess this is the week of Oklahoma authors, because Hughes is also one. This is a post-apocalyptic book set in the Florida Keys after it has been isolated from the rest of the world by an alien fog with monsters in it. If you get caught by the fog you get eaten by monsters. Our main guy is a drug dealer who is trying to figure out how to get to London to find his brother.

The Afterward by E. K. Johnston - I'm almost done with this one, and I'm having trouble figuring it out. I can't decide if it's a fantasy-romance, or if it's an adventure story. The story takes place after a major quest that garnered medals and awards and treasure for all the participants. There appears to be another problem for the knights and mages (and a thief) to handle, but the real story seems to be about the romance between one of the knights and the thief. All of the main characters are women, and they are referred to as "sir". It's really cool, but also lacking in much plot.

And these are what I plan to read next. I'm sure you remember these from my September TBR, but here we go:

Descendant of the Crane by Joan He - Chinese inspired fantasy about a girl trying to find her father's killer.

Revealing Hannah: The Myth of Cassandra by Laura Fedolfi - From the summary, I imagine this is a retelling of the Cassandra story from Greek Mythology. The main character, Hannah, is a descendant of Cassandra and Zeus is about to throw her life way off course.

Girls on the Verge by Sharon Biggs Waller - This is the road trip book about girls running off to get an abortion. I'm getting it out of the way early, since I'm not really looking forward to it.

The Wise and the Wicked by Rebecca Podos - This one is about modern day Russian witchy types whose expectation of how their magic works has been upended.

Romanov by Nadine Brandes - The fantasy retelling of the story of Anastasia Romanov, where obviously she survives the assassination of her family.

Aquicorn Cove by Katie O'Neill - I nabbed this cute little thing from the library. It's very small and I don't think it will take long to read. It's supposed to be very sweet and adorable.

The Tea Dragon Society by Katie O'Neill - Another one by the same author. Also cute and fun.

That's a lot of books. But I have a long weekend. Wish me luck!