Friday Reads 9-6-19

I have this Friday off because I work tomorrow, but I'm not going to sit around and read. Oh no. I promised my daughter back in July that I would take her to the zoo tomorrow. Silly me, I thought the weather would be better. No. It will be 96 degrees. And I'm wearing a ginormous, black, nylon, knee brace. Love that for me. Tomorrow evening is birthday night for my husband. His actual birthday is on Sunday, but Sunday is turning out to be a little busy. Saturday, he is taking the kid to see Hamilton. Sunday bell choir practice starts back up and we have dance rehearsal.

I'm excited about Monday (who says that?) because I get to go to OKC to a Sequoyah meeting. I love these meetings. 11 ladies sitting around talking about books! Also, I anticipate that after this meeting, I will be able to take some books off my TBR for the next few months. That is always refreshing.

But for this weekend, here's what's on my plate. Once again, I am behind on my reading. I am going to DNF (Did Not Finish) a book I am reading. You know it's bad when the idea of picking up that book makes you not want to read at all. It's not even that bad a book, but it's really dense and everything is drawn out to a ridiculous extent. I've read three or four chapters and this girl has literally gone from her dorm room to the student bookstore on campus. Sure, she turned her ankle and got into it with a guy from one of her classes, but also, she's annoying and kind of a doormat. I'm sure in the course of the book, she catches a clue, but I'm not willing to wait. The book I'm dropping is Revealing Hannah: the Myth of Cassandra by Laura Fedolfi. Apologies to the sister who gifted this book to me. Maybe when I'm in a different headspace, I will appreciate it better.

So, I will finish up Girls on the Verge by Sharon Biggs Waller, Romanov by Nadine Brandes, and The Wise and the Wicked by Rebecca Podos this weekend. I hope. I will also try to catch up on Descendant of the Crane by Joan He.

Next week, I will add:

An Affair of Poisons by Addie Thorley - This is about a girl in King Louis XIV's court who helps poison him. Now, she's trying to keep Louis XV alive with a kitchen boy who is also a sun of the former king.

Internment by Samira Ahmed - This is a dystopian novel about an internment camp in the U.S. and the rebellion of the people imprisoned there.

The Pioneer by Bridget Tylor - A little sci-fi novel about a family who plans to start over on a new planet, but Jo discovers secrets that might unravel everything.

That's it. Seems like a short list, but I could use a break. What are you reading?