Friday Reads 11-1-19

Oh heck. I don't know what I'm going to read. The next few days are just chaos, so who knows. But here's what I'm kind of actively reading right now.

Bibliophile: An Illustrated Miscellany by Jane Mount - What I didn't realize until I started this book was that Jane Mount wrote another book, The Ideal Bookshelf, that was also interesting. Basically, she talked to authors about what books would be on their ideal bookshelf and then she painted it. This book is also illustrated with her paintings; of bookshops, books, authors, and anything else. They are fun cartoon-y paintings and each page is a new theme.

The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa - I decided to start this and see if I liked the writing style. I sat down and blew through 50 pages. I do like the writing style. Then I realized the author wrote a book club book I liked several years ago. Then I really decided I liked it. It's very spare. Very Japanese. I just really like it. The main character is living in the house where she grew up. She is a writer. No one in her town reads her books, except her one friend. On this island, the memory police occasionally decide something will disappear. Everyone has to get rid of everything they have of that thing. They have to forget about them and forget their feelings for them. Except some people don't forget. Those people regularly get rounded up by the Memory Police. Her editor reveals to her that he is one of the people who don't forget and she hatches a plan to hide him away so he can continue to edit her books.

That's all I know of for sure. I've ordered some things from the library. I have a birthday coming up. I have a surgery coming up. Many things will affect my reading in the near future.