Friday Reads 12/27/19

I think I forgot to tell you, a podcast I listen to read my email on air! I was pretty ecstatic when I heard it. If you want to listen, it's linked here:

Anyway, here we are at the last weekend of the year. And really, I have no idea what I am going to read. But I have tons of options. Trust.

Horimiya by Hero - Last week I put together a book recommendations list for someone who wanted a bunch of manga. I saw a couple I was interested in and ordered them from the library. They came today, so I could spend a couple of hours happily ensconced in some manga. This one is about two high school kids. The girl is super popular and the other is a nerd. But outside of school, they are the complete opposite.

My Love Story! by Kazune Kawahara - Another cute manga series. This one is about a very tall boy whose best friend is super attractive, so he always ends up being the wing man. But one day he rescues a girl on the train and begins to fall in love. Will she side step him for his friend?

The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern - The fact that I haven't finished this yet is an absolute crime. It has been one of my most-anticipated books all year.

There are numerous other books I've started or have on deck, but I think it's wise to focus on just a few at a time.