Books I'm Looking Forward To in 2020

Here we are at the beginning of a brand spanking new decade! And of course, I am thinking about all the books coming for us. Woohoo! Here are some that are scheduled to come out this year that I am stoked to consider reading when I'm done with me award reading and the 300+ books already on my sagging shelves.

One of Us Is Next by Karen M. McManus - This is the sequel to the YA thriller, One of Us Is Lying, that came out in 2018. I really enjoyed that book in which 5 kids go to detention and one of them dies. It definitely looks like one of them did it, you know, locked room mystery and all. Fascinating ending.

The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel - Finally! Another book by the author of Station Eleven! It's not at all related to that book, but her writing is so moody! And that cover!!

Summer by Ali Smith - I enjoyed Autumn. I still haven't got to Winter or Spring, but I'm excited that there's a new one coming.

Prianesi by Susannah Clarke - This one doesn't even have a cover image, yet. It's been a looooong time since Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.

A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kimmerer - The best book I read in 2019 is getting a sequel!

Ruthless Gods by Emily A. Duncan - This is another sequel. The first one, Wicked Saints, was a brutal high fantasy about witches and magic and war.

Here's the thing. I found a lot of books I'm excited about, but I didn't add them to this list because they are by authors whose other works I haven't read. I feel like I don't have a good enough reason to be excited. Is that real?

What books are you waiting with bated breath to see in 2020?