Friday Reads 1/10/2020

I met with my award reading group today, and that meeting has completely restructured my TBR for the month. Note to self for next year: at the end of the reading year, don't decide what you're reading for the month until after the meeting. So, the books I'm reading will go back on the shelf, and I have 9 whole books to read before the next meeting in 3 weeks. Gah!!

The Grace Year by Kim Liggett - In this world, everyone is convinced that teenage girls are evil magicians who can cast spells on men. Gross. All 16 year old girls have to spend a year in the woods releasing their magic harmlessly. Right. This sounds terrible, but I am assured it is excellent and amazing.

Catfishing on Catnet by Naomi Kritzer - This one was originally on my January TBR, and people have said it's great. The title is awful. Catnet is a website for posting cat pictures. Ok, I'm here for that. It's about a teen girl and her experiences with a sentient AI on the site.

Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater - I really like Maggie Stiefvater, but I hadn't planned to read this one immediately. However, I need to read it for the reading group. Many folk liked it. I have this available to listen to on audio, so I plan to go at it that way and maybe books my reading a little.

What do you plan to pick up this week?