Five-Star Predictions

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Books On My TBR I Predict Will Be 5-Star Reads. So today I'm going to go through my TBR and decide which books I expect to rate 5 stars. Fun! Uh. This could take a minute. There are over 600 books on this list.

The World Between Two Covers by Ann Morgan - Of course there are going to be books about books in this list! This one is about reading books from all over the world, I think.

By the Book: A Reader's Guide to Life by Ramona Koval - And here's another book about books and reading! I don't know what the bees are about on the cover, but I'll find out.

Pride, Prejduce, and Other Flavors by Sonali Dev - This is a Pride and Prejducie retelling with an Indian flavor.

Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata - This is a novel translated from Japanese about a woman who is in her 30's and still has the job she got at 17 working in a convenience store. No one understands why she hasn't moved on, but she enjoys her responsibilities at the store.

Dragonshadow by Elle Katharine White - This is the sequel to Heartstone which is a fantasy retelling of Pride and Prejudice with dragons! I really loved the first one and I expect this will be no different.

A Companion to Jane Austen by Claudia L Johnson and Clara Tuite - Of course a Jane Austen book would be on the list. I've been anticipating Johnson's Jane Austen books for a long time.

Disappearing Earth by Julia Phillips - This is a book about a kidnapping that takes place in a rural area of Russia and how it affects the community. Normally, I don't count on award winners to be 5-stars reads, but this sounds really good.

The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel - Any book from the author of Station Eleven will of course be on this list! I don't have any idea what it's about, though. Kind of don't care.

Book Girl: A Journey Through the Treasures and Transforming Power of a Reading Life by Sarah Clarkson - Aaaaand another book about books makes the list! This one is kind of a reading memoir.

The Flatshare by Beth O'Leary - Yes. A Romance book is on this list. I'm as shocked as you are! But I think it's going to be great!

What books on your shelves do you think are going to be new favorites?