Friday Reads 2/14/20

It's Valentine's Day. Which is really just an excuse, but I do have a fun date planned with my hubby. We are eating Greek food and going to watch a movie. I have a birthday party tomorrow for a pair of twins who are turning 1. Sunday, I work all afternoon, and then we have bells and dance. So Sunday is busy, but Saturday isn't too bad.

The Flatshare by Beth O'Leary - I'm about 25% into this one. I plan to finish it up this weekend. It's a cute story, even if I find the main character to be a flake. Maybe she'll grow on me.

Educated by Tara Westover - I'm pretty stoked to read this one. This is the book club book this month and everyone in the group that has read it has liked it. The author was raised in a survivalist cult in rural Idaho. Her parents didn't believe in the government, so she never went to public school, never went to the doctor, etc. When she was 17, she decided she wanted more, so she taught herself, and got into Brigham Young University.

Happy @ Work: 60 Simple Ways to Stay Engaged and Be Successful by Jim Donovan - I hope this is helpful. I'm feeling stagnant and frustrated at work.

The Mockingbird Next Door: Life With Harper Lee by Marja Mills - I started this in December, but I didn't get very far. If I can't get through it this time, I might just take it off my TBR. I guess there is some controversy over the ethics of how she acquired her information, so we'll see how this goes. This is the lowest priority book right now.

That's it. That's what's on my list for this week. What are you planning to read this week?