Friday Reads 2/21/20

Oh heck. I needed this Friday. And it's book club day! Woo hoo!! This week has been total chaos. And the weekend is kind of filling up. I have a vet appointment tomorrow morning and a nail appointment in the afternoon. Sunday, our bell choir is ringing in church, then in the evening we have bell rehearsal and dance rehearsal. There's a little down time in there, so I'll probably get some reading done. Probably.

Happy @ Work by Jim Donovan - This is 60 strategies for being happy at work. After this week, I sure could use them.

Homer & Langley by E. L. Doctorow - After I mentioned this in a blog last week, I got a hankering to read it again. So I requested it from the library. It came in, so I'm going to read it this week.

A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson - I've been listening to this audiobook all month. It's pretty good. I think I know what the ending is, but we'll see. It's pretty over dramatic, but I'm reserving judgment until I'm finished.

That's it! I'm taking the next week pretty easy as far as reading goes. What's on your list?