Library Update February 2020

I just realized I've gotten behind on my posting schedule! The last week has been absolute chaos. Controlled chaos, but exhausting nonetheless. But, here is what is going on with my library account these days:

Checked Out

Homer & Langley by E.L. Doctorow - I mentioned this book in a post a couple of weeks ago, and that gave me a hankering to reread it. So I got it. I'm working on it this last week of February while I'm allowing myself to read only adult books. In March, I'll jump back in to reading YA. I'm actually looking forward to it.

On Hold

The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness by Ryan J. Dowd - I had this checked out, but then other librarians were waiting for it, so I had to turn it in. My supervisor wants me to do a presentation on the information from it for the other staff members, so I'm waiting for it to come back my way. I did request that he purchase a copy for our workroom, so maybe I won't have to wait forever.

Strengths Finder 2.0 by Tom Rath - This is a professional development book that has been on my radar for awhile. It's a resource for finding out what things you are good at and what things you should maybe ask someone else to handle. If I have to read professional development, it should at least be useful.

Operatic by Kyo Maclear - I saw this come in on hold for some friends of mine, so I opened it for a look. It's a very beautifully illustrated graphic novel about a girl discovering music. It doesn't have great Goodreads reviews, but I'm really just here for the pictures.

That is it for my library holds and check outs. What are you using your library for?