Friday Reads 3/13/20

Oooh! Friday the 13th! Whatever. I've been off work for 3 days for illness. I picked up whatever my kid had.  It's fine. I'm going back to work tomorrow, even though we've closed all the libraries for 2 weeks.

I've once again tossed out my whole TBR for the month. Kind of. I'm still reading a couple of the things on my list, but I've also picked up a couple of other things that I just felt like reading.

Not So Pure and Simple by Lamar Giles - I'm halfway through this one. It's fine. Everyone else loves it, but I like his last one better.

Flowers In the Gutter by K. R. Gaddy - I'm reading this slowly. I'm about 20% through it. WWII non-fiction is not my fave, but it's not terrible.

The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller - I'm liking this one a lot. It's touted as a Slytherin Romance, which I get now that I've started it. Our main character is the daughter of an Earl who has a plan to marry the Shadow King and then murder him and take his throne. The Shadow King is already under attack and trusts no one. Also, he's pretty cool. And he is intrigued by this woman who doesn't appear to be interested in being queen. Little does he know.

Artemis by Andy Weir - Book club is in a week. I haven't started yet. Oops. Better get on that.

That's probably enough for now. I'm not really in a reading mood right now. That is sub-optimal for getting award reading done. Sigh