Friday Reads 3-20-20

It's Friday. Not that  you could tell it by my life. I filled up my gas tank on Monday at lunch. Then we got word that all the libraries were closing and we should all go into quarantine for 2 weeks. I drove home that evening and my car hasn't left the house since then. I went for a walk yesterday, which was lovely except for my fall in a mud puddle.

I know there are people out there that are really struggling with looking at the same rooms of their house day and day out. I am not one of those people. I've never been so calm and happy. I have nowhere to be. No one is being disappointed by my unwillingness to leave my house. I am happy as a clam! I do have to cook dinner every night, but I'm not exhausted after a day of work, so it's not too big a deal.

Also, I've finished 3 books already! Admittedly, they were all books I'd already started, but it sure looks good on my Goodreads goal to be 4 books ahead of my goal.

I've decided to mix up my award reading with some of the books on my TBR shelf. So here's what I might read in the next week.

The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller - I'm about a third of the way through this. Anastassia Stathos is our main character and she is the most conniving, duplicitous, hilarious character ever. I think she's such fun to read. She's convinced the King to pretend to court her, but between the two of them, they know they are just friends, except she wants to make him fall in love with her and marry her, so she can kill him and take his throne. Also, one of her past lovers is blackmailing her to get him introduced to the nobility or he'll ruin her reputation. Also also, one of the nobility is a man who is hoping she'll quit the King and marry him, but she can't stand his obsession with donating to charity and doing good wherever he goes. She handles all these men with aplomb and finagling.

Spell Hacker by M. K. England - This is the last book I got from the library before it closed. I have more on hold, but I can't get to those for awhile. This is described as a fantasy heist novel. That could be interesting. I like a good heist.

The Rise and Fall of Charles Lindbergh by Candace Fleming - I have seen book reviews that rave about this biography of a guy I don't think very highly of in general. But, if it's good, I could stand to have my general opinion of YA non-fiction raised a bit more.

It occurs to me that I recently posted a list of books I would read if time were no object. Well, for a little while at least, time is no object. But, I won't repost all of those books here. Maybe just a couple. I don't own all the books on that list, and I can't go out and get them. Also, I have plenty to read; my husband would pitch a ring-tailed fit if I brought in more books.

1000 Books to Read Before You Die by James Mustich - I've read interviews with this author which assure me this is not just another list of classic literature by dead white guys.

Dodge City: Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, and the Wickedest Town in the American West by Tom Clavin - My dad's love of Westerns appears to have rubbed off on me a bit.

I want to read one of the books I got in this boxed set. Not Wuthering  Heights. Probably not Jane Eyre. Maybe Agnes Grey or The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Do you have a vote for either one of those? Let me know in the comments.

I added more books than I normally would have, but I'm not doing much else these days.