Magical Readathon TBR - OWLs

In lieu of a TBR for April, I'm just going to list my Magical Readathon TBR. The Magical Readathon is a challenge created by Book Roast on Youtube that is modeled after the Hogwarts tests. We do the O.W.L.s in April and then the N.E.W.T.s in August. Basically, you pick a career path from the ones listed in the guide and see which tests you need to pass. Each test has a reading prompt attached. If you read the books for your required tests, you have passed your O.W.L.s!

I am going for the Librarian career. This means I need to pass 5 tests, therefore I need to read 5 books. Here they are:

Ancient Runes: Heart Rune - Read a book with a heart on the cover or in the title.

Ember Queen by Laura Sebastian - I might be stretching this a little bit by calling that a heart, but here we are.

Arithmancy: Magical Qualities of Number 2: Balance Opposites - Read something outside of your favorite genre

Anna K. by Jenny Lee - Fantasy is my favorite genre right now. This is a retelling of Anna Karenina set in NYC and starring Korean-American teenagers.

Defense Against the Dark Arts: Grindylows - Book set at the sea/coast.

The Vanishing Deep by Astrid Scholte - This is set mostly in the ocean after a tidal wave apocalypse.

History of Magic: Witch Hunts - Book featuring witches/wizards.

Sorcerer to the Crown by Zen Cho - This has been hanging around on my shelf for awhile. Also, why do I always want to spell "sorcerer" wrong?

Transfiguration: Animagus Lecture: Book/Series that includes shapeshifting

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas - I don't think this particular books has shapeshifting but I know other books in the series do, so I'm using it.

Wish me luck!