Library Update April 2020

I almost didn't post this update, because the libraries are closed and not much has changed. But a little bit did change, so here we are.

Checked Out

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare - My ebook hold for this finally came in. I'm looking forward to diving into this world of paranormal activity. The cover is terrible. I acknowledge that. At least on my Kindle, I don't have to look at the cover.

Not So Pure and Simple by Lamar Giles - This one is sitting in my briefcase, waiting to go back to the library.

Spell Hacker by M.K. England - Also sitting in my briefcase, waiting to go back to the library.

I enjoyed both of these books.

On Hold

Honestly, there is only one new book on my hold list. If you'd like to go back to this post you can see what was there last month. (When I went back to that post to look at it, I realized I titled the whole post April. Oops. That was March.) Here's the one new book on hold:

Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas - I recently finished the first one in this series and really liked it. I'm waiting for the next one to come to my Kindle. I could just buy the book, but I'm debating about spending money I don't NEED to spend. I'll wait for the digital copy. It's not like I'm hurting for things to read.

So that's my library update for April 2020.  Not a lot going on here. Shocker.