Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon Wrap Up

The Dewey's 24-hour Readathon was this last Saturday, April 25. Here's how it went for me.

The readathon started at 7:00 a.m. in my time zone. I slept until 11:00. Oops. I got up, made some coffee, ate some breakfast and finally sat down to read.

I read this for about half an hour and then felt the need to take a nap.

I slept until 5:00. Oops again. So, I got up, made dinner, and then sat down to read again.

I read this. It's a choose your own adventure romance book. I got through one entire story line and decided I had read it. Done.

Then, I read this. The whole thing. In one day. It was really good. Lizzy is a top New York City chef who is losing her touch. She goes home to Oregon to try to get back in the game and her dad makes her go to Seattle to stay with her sister who is fighting cancer. This sister was grown when their mom died of cancer and never came home while Lizzy did all the caretaking as a high school senior. There is a little animosity. It would have made me hungry reading it, but I had no idea what most of the cooking words were she used in the book.

By then, it was about 3:00 in the morning and I was pretty tired. I started this one because it is light and funny. I gave up at 4:00 and went to bed.

So, I finished 2 books, and read some in 2 more. I had a timer running when I was reading, and I ended up with 7 hours of reading. That's more than I've ever managed before, so I call that a win!