May 2020 TBR

It's the last day of April. April 927th if you will. It feels like both the longest month ever and also like it flew by. Weird.

Anyway, seeing as how it's the last day of April, whatever the date, it's time to decide what my reading goals are for May. I hesitate to even make any goals because I am pretty much reading whatever I want at this point. I read books for my award group during the week, and I read personal reading whenever I want. On the other hand, we're not really getting many award reading books right now.

Nevertheless, I want to give myself some structure for the month ahead, so I'll put down some reading suggestions. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas - I definitely want to read this one. It's the second book in the series I started a couple of weeks ago. Not only was it really fun, but if I read the third one, I can fulfill 3 of the Book Tempter's challenges to read a trilogy. Win-Win.

There are a bunch of readathons happening in May, but the only one I'm thinking of participating in is the Tome Topple Readathon. This is a two week long readathon in which the only challenge is to read 2 books over 500 pages. I have a lot of books on my shelves that could meet this challenge. Plus, reading one book over 500 pages would meet the Book Tempter's challenge to read a "Chunky Boi". Right now I'm leaning toward these:

The City of Brass by S. A. Chakraborty - This is a fantasy based on Ottoman folklore. A girl con artist living in Cairo accidentally summons a demon and is suddenly faced with the realization that the fairytale world she heard about in stories is real.

Bunny Mellon: The Life of an American Style Legend by Meryl Gordon - I got this for my birthday in November and I have been eyeballing it ever since. I'll never have more time than I have right now.

Maybe one more book to meet another Book Tempter's Challenge.

Pride, Prejudice, and Other Flavors by Sonali Dev - Another book I got for my birthday. This is a modern retelling of Pride and Prejudice for the Indian American set. This will meet the challenge to Broaden Your Horizons by reading a book from an author not from the U.S. Dev is from Mumbai.

I can't really think of anything else I definitely want to read in May, so I'll leave at that. How freeing it is to be able to just pick a book of my shelf! I should do this more often!