2020 Goals Check In

We are officially half way through the year, so let's see how I'm doing on those reading goals I set back in January.

  1. Read 140 books. - I set my Goodreads goal for 140, then bumped it up to 150 after the pandemic hit and I had nothing to do but read. As of today, I've read 85 books so I'm ahead of the game as of right now. CHECK!
  2. Complete the PopSugar Reading Challenge - There are 40 prompts in this challenge and I have done 24 of them, so I'm doing pretty well there, too. There are only a couple of prompts that I'm worried about finding a book for. I might have to focus more the last half of the year. CHECK!
  3. Read 12 books I already own - For this, I meant to read 12 books I owned when 2020 began. If you don't count the award nomination books I owned before the year started, then I've read 15 books. So that goal has been met. CHECK!
  4. Log books in my reading journal - This is something I definitely fell off the wagon with last year. I ended up just making a list in my last journal instead of doing a full entry for each post. So far this year, each book I've read has a page with date, title, and stats I keep, but from May to June I got way behind, so they don't all have descriptions and thoughts. I'm working on filling them in though. So, check?

So there are my goals! I'm not doing too bad, although I need to do better with that last one. Yay me!