Books That Make Me Smile

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Books That Make Me Smile. I am taking this to mean books that make me smile when I think about it. I list them here in no particular order.

The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett - This cute little number is so heart-warming I can't help but smile thinking about it. The Queen of England is chasing her corgi around the palace grounds and finds a bookmobile. She checks out a book and it sets in motion a hilarious string of events.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - This should come as no surprise to anyone. It's my favorite book. I love the story. It makes me smile.

One for the Money by Janet Evanovich - This whole series is a good time. The movie made from this book is also fun. I really enjoy these books.

Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor by Stephanie Barron - I love this series. Jane Austen is the main character and she solves mysteries all over the country. It sounds so like her voice. They are so much fun.

The Novel Cure by Ella Berthoud and Susan Elderkin - Got something bothering you? This book has the way to fix it with books! Everything from feeling blue to the flu. Cure it with a book!

Bite Me by Christopher Moore - I love Moore's sense of humor. He gets me. My favorite character is the human minion who runs around solving all the problems and making grown cops cry. She's so funny and sarcastic and smart. I love her.

Hark! A Vagrant by Kate Beaton - This is a book of little comic strips and they are weird and silly and definitely make me smile.

Underwater Dogs by Seth Casteel - Of course this makes me smile. It's got pictures of dogs!!! I also have Underwater Puppies and Treat! There's another one called Shake! that I don't have. They are all full of funny pictures of dogs.

Book Love by Debbie Tung - I can totally relate to this girl's obsession with books and reading. I feel seen.

A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman - My love for this book is a little bittersweet. The main character, Ove, reminds of my dad. He's a curmudgeon and gets himself into hilarious situations because of his grumpiness. Also, there's a cat on the cover. Cute!

Okay. There are 10 books that make me smile. Tell me some of yours!