Friday Reads 7-24-2020
I am to the point in 2020 where I have to figure out the date by counting from Monday's date. Also, it is on my computer. If those two are the same, I can rest assured that is probably the date.
I am on day 3 of a migraine that nothing is fixing. I have slept a ridiculous amount of sleep. I have taken all the drugs. My friend said to eat an apple and a banana in that order, but I have no apples or bananas.
About my reading. Well, that's not going so great. I had like 4 books lined up for next week, but I'm throwing that all out the window to finish up all the ones I've started and left hanging. So here we go.
Survival Math by Mitchell S. Jackson - This one fell by the wayside after the first week of July. It's not very long, but the words are densely packed on the page and I struggle with the dialect sometimes. It moves back and forth between standard English and Black English and I don't always see it coming.
A Saint From Texas by Edmund White - This is also pretty hard to read. One of the twins is being abused repeatedly. It doesn't come out and say that, because the person telling the story doesn't really recognize it as she is the other twin.
The Life and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly by Jamie Pacton - I managed to renew this ebook checkout from the library so I can get it done. It goes pretty fast, so it has that going for it.
Of Literature and Lattes by Katherine Reay - I started this. I'm about a quarter through it. It's ok. There's a woman who is a spoiled brat so I don't love her. She's hard to read about. And the guy has a horrible ex-wife. It's just hard to read.
The Midnight Lie by Marie Rutkowski - I'm almost half way through this one. It goes pretty fast and I like it. The stupid migraine I had made it impossible to read for the last 2 days, so here we are.
Again Again by e. lockhart - I nabbed this from the library, so hopefully I can knock it out next week. I don't have any idea what it's about.
The Scam List by Kurt Dinan - I got an eARC from NetGalley for this so I need to get it read and reviewed soon. It comes out on August 3, so it would be great to have it read by then.
I realize that this is a lot of books to try to read in a week. I'm telling myself that since I've already started some of them, it will be fine. Also, as plan B, I have a list of priorities for getting them read. If some things don't get read, well that's just how it is.
What are you reading?