Friday Reads 8/21/2020

I am thoroughly rearranging my TBR. I don't know why I keep making those things, but they do make me happy. Anyway, that's out the window, based on what I picked up from the library this week. Here's what it currently on the plate for next week.

Check Please Book 2 by Ngozi Ukazu - I loved the first volume of this book. Eric is a figure skater turned hockey player so he could go to college. It's just a sweet little story about Eric getting over his fear of being checked and finding love. Also, he bakes.

A Song Below Water by Bethany C. Morrow - This is a YA book about two black girls who may or may not actually be sirens. I have heard good things about it, so maybe I'll fly through it.

I'm Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness by Austin Channing Brown - It's been awhile since I have read any anti-racist literature, so it's time. Also, I just picked this up from the Library.

The Memory of Babel by Christelle Dabos - I need to read this before it is released so I can write a review for Netflix. It's the third in a series and I'm finishing up the second one this week. Its very fun, and I'm enjoying it a lot. It's a fantasy about a girl who is engaged to an important man in this weird society. I'm planning to break it up because it's quite long. I'll read half of it this week.

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig- This is another one I need to read before its release date. I like Matt Haig's writing. His writing takes regular events in a life and twists them a bit. I think this one is a take on string theory.

That's plenty for one week, I think. Wish me luck.