September 2020 Wrap Up Pt. 1

Posting this is an exercise in hope. I've only read 3 books so far this month. I'm hoping that by posting this mid-month my reading will pick up for the second half. Who says I'm not an optimist!

Bringing Down the Duke by Evie Dunmore - This was tons of fun! And it wasn't just a Victorian romance. The two main characters had to fight some real issues to be together. She is a poor pastor's daughter. He is the highest Duke of the Realm. She goes to Oxford on a scholarship from the Suffragette movement. He is the head of the Tory party. Society won't let him marry a commoner and keep his place in society. She won't become a paid mistress while he marries someone more fitting to his station. It's just super fun!

Kokoro Connect by Sadanatsu Anda - This is a weird little manga story. There is a group of five misfit friends. Suddenly they start trading bodies. There is some being who thinks it's funny to watch them flounder when they end up in someone else's body. Very strange. It was ok, but I don't think I'll read more in the series.

Date Me, Bryson Keller by Kevin van Whye - I really enjoyed this one. Bryson Keller has never been much interested in dating. He thinks it's a waste of time when you're in high school because you're just going to break up when you go to college. On New Years Eve in their Senior year of high school, a group of kids dare Bryson to date the first person who asks him on Monday morning. They date for a week and if he quits early, he has to ride the bus to school after Spring Break for the rest of the year. About 2 months into the dare, Kai Sheridan gets fed up with the whole thing and asks Bryson to date him in a snit. Bryson figures nothing said he couldn't date a guy, but Kai is not out, so they keep it a secret. This thing is so darn cute. Bryson is just gold. I loved it.

And that's all I've read so far. I'm working on one now, but it's almost 700 pages long and I am taking my time with it.

I hope you're enjoying what you're reading this month!