Favorite Book Quotes

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Favorite Book Quotes. This would be very boring if I just quoted the old standbys at you, so I am going to post quotes from my favorite books of 2020. Here goes.

"Aren't we all drawn to friends in the beginning by trifling things? True bonds develop afterward, when character is revealed." Tricia Levenseller The Shadows Between Us

"Sometimes I only pretend I don't know what to do, because I don't want to do it." Anne Bogel Don't Overthink It. - Ouch.

"Reading's ability to beam you up to a different world is a good part of the reason why people like me do it in the first place---because dollar for dollar, hour per hour, it's the most expedient way to get from our proscribed little "here" to an imagined, intriguing there". Part time machine, part Concorde, part ejector seat, books are our salvation." Sara Nelson So Many Books, So Little Time

“The older we were, the less magnificent we seemed.” Marie Lu The Kingdom of Back. - Ain't that the truth.

“Distance between true friends doesn't matter when their friendship lives in their hearts” Anne Blankman The Blackbird Girls

“I have discovered happiness in being true to who I am. I hope you will give that idea some consideration.” Julianne Donaldson Edenbrooke

“Black Power was met by a new slogan, one spat out like a racist slur. Law and order.” Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi Stamped

“I’m not flaunting anything. I’m just existing. This is me. I can’t hide myself. I can’t disappear. And even if I could, I don’t fucking want to. I have the same right to be here. I have the same right to exist.” Kacen Callender Felix Ever After

“How can you lose an entire person, only to gain a part of them back in someone entirely new?” Elizabeth Acevedo Clap When You Land

“you wouldn't let me
love both of us
at the same time” Rudy Francisco Helium

"Quand je vous ai dit que vous aviez une prédisposition surnaturelle aux catastrophes, ce n'était pas une invitation à me donner raison.”

"When I told you that you had a supernatural predisposition to catastrophes, it was not an invitation to prove me right." Christelle Dabos The Missing of Clairdelune

“most white people are more worried about being called racist than about whether or not their actions are in fact racist or harmful.” Austin Channing Brown I'm Still Here

So that's a couple more than ten, but I'm an overachiever.

Do you have any favorite quotes? Tell me about them.