Friday Reads 10/16/2020

It's Friyay!! That means it's time to decide what's on the reading agenda for next week. I recently remembered how I used to read so many books in a week. I divide each book into 7 parts. However many books I had lined up, I would read that many parts each day. Either one from each book or all from one, or however. But I could read 3-4 books a week with that tactic. So, I'm going to try it again, but with only 2 books. Ease back into it.

The Dark Tide by Alicia Jasinska - I've heard great things about this one and it's on my award nominee shelf. This one is compared to A Curse So Dark and Lonely which was my 2019 favorite book of the year. So that bodes well.

The Companion by Katie Alender - I chose this one by closing my eyes and picking it off the shelf. That was one of the challenges for the PopSugar reading challenge. It's also an award contender. So there's that. It's supposed to be pretty spooky, and the cover doesn't change that expectation. Sheesh.

So the two books together have 775 pages. Wish me luck.