Friday Reads 11/27/2020

It's Friday! As annoying as it is to have to work the day after Thanksgiving, it is awesome to have both Saturday and Sunday off.

This week I have been busy creating a game with which to choose my TBR each month. You will see the results on Monday, but the final pieces came in today and it is ready to go! I'm pretty stoked about that. I was beginning to get worn out trying to think of things to put on my TBR each month. This will be much more interesting.

Let's talk about what I'm reading, shall we?

Hard Times by Charles Dickens - I will be wrapping this one up this weekend. It's fairly typical Dickens, but it's much shorter than his usual fare. Less than 300 pages. For some reason, I just can't read more than 30 pages at a time, so it's taking me the whole month to read it.

Fortune and Glory by Janet Evanovich - Look what finally came!!! I started it on Wednesday. In a normal year, I would have finished it yesterday after all the food stuff was finished, but not in 2020. I've only read 70 pages. It is chock full of the usual kooky criminals. And the sexy love interest is back on the scene. He's my favorite.

Mimi Lee Reads Between the Lines by Jennifer J. Chow - This one is waiting for me at the library right now! I'll probably swing by and pick it up tomorrow. I can't wait to see what Marshmallow the sassy cat is up to now.

That's it for my reading plans. What are you working on?