December 2020 TBR

As I mentioned before, I have made a game to choose my TBR. It took several weeks to accomplish, but here it is!

Over on the right, is the title of the game, and the Bomb Books section. In the envelope at the bottom is a selection of super intimidating books on my TBR. Before I start the game each month, I will pull out a slip from the envelope with the title of a book on it, and it will go on the board there next to the bomb.

Over on the left, we have the rules for the Face Cards and Ace.

If I draw an Ace, I will draw a book out of my Sequoyah Jar. If I draw a King, I draw a book from my Least Anticipated Jar. If I draw a Queen, I will put the number of books currently on my TBR shelves into a number generator, and draw a number. Whichever book corresponds to that number on my Goodreads list, goes on the TBR for December.  If I draw a Jack, I draw a book from my Most Anticipated Jar. Here are the jars:

The Sequoyah Jar is filled with Sequoyah book title. The Least Anticipated Jar is filled with titles of books I'm no longer super excited to read. And the Most Anticipated Jar contains titles of books I'm still super excited to read.

The middle of the board is filled with a grid with the card suits across the top and the numbers down the left side. I will fill the grip with book prompts. When I draw a card, I will go to that space on the board and follow the prompt to pick a book. I forgot to take a picture of the board before I began, or I would show you that now. But here it is before I stuck all the prompts on.

First, I drew a bomb book: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. If I draw a Joker, I have to put that book on my list.

I've decided to draw 6 times. That way there is still time in my month to read books for my award, POPSugar challenge books, and other books I need to read.

Here we go!

1st Draw

Oh! I forgot to tell you I'm using my Star Trek card deck. This is the 9 of Hearts. That prompt is 2014 Pub Year. This means I need to add a book to my TBR that was published in 2014. I chose The Phantom of 5th Avenue by Meryl Gordon. This is about Huguette Clark with whom I am obsessed.

Draw 2

8 of Diamonds. This prompt was a YA Contemporary. I chose a book I have to read for my award committee which I have requested from my Library: The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes.

Draw 3

King of Spades. I had to draw a book out of my Least Anticipated Jar. I drew My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me by Jennifer Teege.

Draw 4

King of Diamonds. Ugh. Another Least Interested Jar pull. I drew Empire of the Summer Moon by S. C. Gwynne. Luckily, this isn't as long as I remembered it being. Still.

Draw 5

7 of Hearts. That prompt is Blind Pick. This means I have to stand in front of my shelves, close my eyes, and pick a book. I decided to stand in front of my Jane Austen shelves. I picked A Secret Sisterhood by Emily Midorikawa.

Draw 6

9 of Clubs. That prompt is Goodreads Winner. As it happens, the 2020 Goodreads winners will be announced on Tuesday, December 1. I'll look at those and see if any of them are sitting on my shelves. If not, I'll go back to the 2019 winners. I know several of those are waiting for me.

I have a couple of other books that I need to read in December:

Gonna finish this one up for my work book club this month.

This is the last book I need to read to complete the POPSugar challenge for 2020. Woohoo!

Here is how the game board ended up at the end of the game...

So my TBR for December is:

Mimi Lee Reads Between the Lines by Jennifer J. Chow

All Systems Red by Martha Wells

White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo

The Phantom of 5th Avenue by Meryl Gordon

The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me by Jennifer Teege

Empire of the Summer Moon by S. C. Gwynne

A Secret Sisterhood by Emily Midorikawa and Emma Claire Sweeney

I will put the Goodreads Award Winner that I choose in the comments after they are announced tomorrow.

What do you think of my game? What do you think of my list?