Christmas Plans

I literally can think of nothing to say about reading right now. I'm in the middle of at least 3 books, but we'll talk about that on Friday. I wanted to look back at my 2019 Christmas book haul to see if I've read those books, yet, but I didn't talk about them here, so I have no idea what I got. So I'm just going to tell you what I'm doing for Christmas this year.


Well, that was fun. See you next week!

Kidding. Sort of.

We are going to be spending Christmas isolated at home, which is actually something I have been wanting to do for many years. With isolation being a thing, we are not going to any of the extended family's houses this year. We will probably sleep in since we don't have to be anywhere at a certain time. I don't have to be at the church until midnight on Christmas Eve with the dancers this year (which is heart breaking, but also contributes to a much less stressful Christmas). We will wake up and open presents. I probably won't make a special breakfast. Only Mike and I would eat it, anyway.

I did talk to my kid who is vocally opposed to a Christian holiday about what they would be comfortable doing to celebrate Yule. They suggested some recipes they would be okay with making or eating. We will have some rice with our meal for them. And of course, they are all about getting gifts.

I'm not sure any of us care about putting up a tree this year. We are very bah, humbug. The tree is a lot of work that I always end up putting away sometime in February and I just don't want to. I did it for the kids who don't really care anymore. Also, with the new bookshelves, space is at a premium in our living room.

We have been giving books on Christmas Eve for a new tradition, but I'm not sure how that would happen this year. We are all struggling with what to put on our wishlists already. Finding a book to give each other just adds stress. It's not like there aren't a zillion books around here to read.

Is this depressing? It sounds kind of depressing. But honestly, I'm looking forward to a restful day. I have off Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday that week. (Meaning I'm working Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.)

Here's to hanging around the house in our sweats!!