2020 Goals in Review

Finally made it 2021! Even though I'm super stoked to be here, I can't seem to remember to write the correct year on anything!

Anyway, back in 2019 I put together a short list of goals for 2020. Let's see how I did on those goals!

  1. Read 140 books - Done! I actually changed my goal to 150 somewhere in June, I think. At that point I was well ahead of my goal and could easily reach 150. Then everything went cattywampus. I had a reading slump in August and September. But I did reach that 150 goal. Just barely. I finished the last book on December 31.
  2. Complete the PopSugar reading challenge - Done! I finished this up the first week of December. I enjoyed this challenge. It wasn't too hard to find books for the challenges. I didn't have to read a bunch of things I hated. Only one (I'm looking at you The Vegetarian.) I will be doing it again in 2021.
  3. Read 12 books I already own - Done! I actually wrapped this up by June. I wasn't even really paying attention to it. Then I realized I had forgotten so I went and looked, and lo and behold I only had one more to go!
  4. Log Books in my Reading Journal - Ummmm. Oops. The last one I logged was in August. I'm trying to decide about this journal. The last couple of years have been pretty spotty. I just don't feel like writing them all down and writing a whole review in my journal like I used to. Do I keep it going because I've had one since 1987, or do I switch entirely to my Book Bujo and Goodreads. I don't write reviews in either of those other places, but I'm just not really feeling the whole review situation right now. I don't know. I'm still deciding. Meanwhile, I'm still not writing them down.

So that is my review of my 2020 reading goals. Not a total fail.