Friday Reads 1-15-21

What a week! Looking forward to having Sunday AND Monday off, and Tuesday is a non-phone-calls day. Hooray! It's almost like having another day off! Anyway, here's what I'm reading.

Les Miserables by Victor Hugo - This is going well, so far. I'm a little behind because I didn't read any of it yesterday, but it won't be too hard to catch up.

That Churchill Woman by Stephanie Barron - I have barely got started in this one. It has lots of words on a page so I am slower reading this one. I'm not even 100 pages into it and it has 400 pages. Yikes!

The Undocumented Americans by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio - This is the next book for the Let's Talk About Race book club at work. Since I am a facilitator, I feel like I should probably read it. Wednesday's meeting is over the Intro and Chapters 1 and 2.

The Dark Matter of Mona Starr by Laura Lee Gulledge - I need to read this for my award committee, but also, it's a graphic novel so I can read it quickly. I keep falling behind on my Goodreads challenge. Already! Graphic novels help me keep up.

Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger - I promised one of my co-committee members I would definitely read this before the next meeting. Better get on it.

The Governess Game by Tessa Dare - With all these books on my TBR, I better slide in the quick read that is left on my TBR.

Ok. That's my reading for the next week. Wish me luck. That's a lot of books!