February 2021 TBR

It is time once again to play the TBR game!! I'm going to take a Sequoyah break after our meeting on the 8th and not make myself read any of those until March. With that in mind, I pulled 10 cards for this month. That may be ambitious, but I need to read 13 books a month to reach that goal of 150 books. I may have to rethink that goal in June. We'll see how it goes. Anyway, first things first: choosing a bomb book. If I draw a Joker, I'll have to read whatever the bomb book is. I drew one last month and now I am almost half way through Les Mis. Here's hoping I don't get stuck with two massive books.

Ok. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. I hear it's great, but it's massive. Crossing fingers I don't get a Joker.

First draw:

5 of Spades.

Retelling. Sweet. I've got the perfect one for this:

Pride by Ibi Zoboi - This is a retelling of Pride and Prejudice set in Brooklyn. Heck yeah.

And I'll replace that prompt on the board with:

A Hyped Book. This would be a book that has a lot of buzz around it. Or did at one time.

Draw 2:

Jack of Diamonds which is:

I get to draw from my Most Interested Jar!!!


A Well-Behaved Woman by Therese Anne Fowler - I don't know if you can read the subtitle there at the top, but it says "A Novel of the Vanderbilts". I nabbed that when I was all up in my Golden Age of New York phase.

Draw 3:

2 of Hearts:

<250 pages.

Yay! The game cut me a break! A short book!

The Bookshop by Penelope Fitzgerald - This lovely little thing has 163 pages! And it's about a bookshop. Winning!

And I replace that prompt with:

Gem, Mineral, or Rock in the title. This is from the 2021 PopSugar reading challenge.

Draw 4:

Jack of Hearts! Another pick from the Most Anticipated jar!

The City of Brass by S. A. Chakraborty - This is a fantasy novel based on Indian mythology. It's the first in a trilogy and people have been raving.

Draw 5:

4 of Spades which is:

Dystopian. Ok. Let's see what I've got for that. Dystopian isn't quite as popular as it used to be, but I'm sure I've got some hanging around.

Golden State by Ben H. Winters - In this dystopian society, lying is illegal. Laz's job is to stop and punish crimes against the truth.

We'll replace that prompt with:

Different Format than Normal - This is another PopSugar challenge prompt and it means that since I usually read books in print, I need to read a book in either audiobook or ebook format.

Draw 6:

Eergh! Uh 5 of Clubs:

A Book with 2 or more authors. Oh! I found a good one for this:

Oh wait. That's actually not an author, that's an illustrator. Try again.

Reader, I Married Him edited by Tracy Chevalier - This is a collection of stories based on Jane Eyre written by many people.

And I'll replace that prompt with:

Fewer than 1000 Goodreads Reviews. This is a PopSugar challenge that I have actually already completed. If I get this I might replace it.

Draw 7:

4 of hearts which is:

Next in a series. Aha! I have just the thing:

A Fatal Grace by Louise Penny - I was just saying that I really wanted to squeeze this in this year. Hooray!

And I'll replace that prompt with:

Hubby's shelf. This means I'll take a book from Michael's shelves to read.

And on to Draw 8:

3 of Spades which is:

YA Fantasy. I have tons of that.

The Beautiful by Renee Ahdieh - This is a YA book about vampires. I started it once before, but I was burned out. I'm pretty stoked to try it again.

And I'll replace that prompt with:

Nonfiction. I hope I get that one soon. I've got lots of nonfiction I want to read.

Draw 9:

6 of Clubs. And that is:

Black and White cover.

I looked at a bunch of books and narrowed them down to 4 books. All of them but one had a little bit of color somewhere. Usually on some words. But only one was entirely devoid of color:

The Art of Grace: On Moving Well Through Life by Sarah L. Kaufman - I opened it up and saw big print and lots of photographs. Perfect! Maybe it'll read fast.

And I replaced that prompt with:

A-Z Title. This on will be fun. If I get it, I'll go to a random letter generator and get a letter, then I'll read a book whose title starts with that letter.

Draw 10. Last one!

Ace of Clubs. Ace means I draw from my Sequoyah jar!

First I drew Elatsoe, which I am already reading, so I put that aside.

The Paper Girl of Paris by Jordyn Taylor - This is a dual timeline book in which a girl is left an apartment in Paris by her grandmother that hasn't been opened in over 70 years. She goes there and starts uncovering family secrets. It is also told from the perspective of that grandmother during WWII. I'll probably read this one first so I can vote on it in my meeting on the 8th.

Alrighty, that's my TBR. Here is the final stack:

Of course, I will also be finishing Les Miserables and reading some of the book for work. That's a lot of books. Wish me luck.