Friday Reads 1/29/21

Well, here we are. The last Friday of January. In the interest of full transparency, I'll just say that I'm not going to finish all my books for the month. I think I'm going to set aside An Ember in the Ashes for now. It's very good, but I'm not in the right headspace for it. I needed to read 7 Award books this month, but I have only finished 5. I might get Elatsoe done this weekend, but might not. I needed to read 13 books total this month to keep up with my Goodreads goal. Luckily, I ordered a bunch of graphic novels from the library, so I can probably read a ton of those and get ahead that way. I'm a day behind on my Les Miserables reading, but I think I can catch up on Saturday. Sometimes it's hard to find 45 extra minutes to read that thing every day. And next month, since it's shorter, I have to add pages each day to get it done.

Anyway, let's look at what's on my stack for the next week.

Les Miserables by Victor Hugo - No surprise here.

Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger - I've read less than 20% of this so far, but it's interesting. The main character, Elatsoe, has a six times great grandmother who was a powerful something (witch?, sorcerer?, healer?) who battled lots of paranormal baddies in her day. Elatsoe calls her Six Great. I think that's adorable.

The Paper Girl of Paris by Jordyn Taylor - This will probably be my first book of February, since I need to get it read before my meeting on the 8th.

The Art of Grace by Sarah L. Kaufman - I have to be judicious with how I spread out my books in February. I have a few I'm really excited to get to, but I need to space them out between the massive books and the less interesting ones. I am hopeful that this one will be interesting and read quickly.

A Fatal Grace by Louise Penny - This might be a stretch, but maybe I can get started on this one also. I'm extra excited because this book was on my list of missed opportunities from 2020 that I wanted to be sure to read in 2021.

That's probably enough for now.