Goodreads Update Pt 2 Feb. 2021

I realize it has been less than 2 weeks since my last update, but February is a short month. What can I say. The good news is that there are only 6 books on the list.

Shakespeare's Tremor an Orwell's Cough: The Medical Lives of Famous Writers by John J. Ross, M.D. - This pretty much what it says on the tin. Ross discusses the health and sickness of authors from Shakespeare to Orwell.

The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles - It doesn't even matter what it is, since Towles wrote it, but it's about Emmett and 2 runaways from the work farm he was just released from and their adventures over 10 days in 1954.

This is What a Librarian Looks Like: A Celebration of Libraries, Communities, and Access to Information** by Kyle Cassidy - This is a collection of essays by and about librarians from the author, other writers, and librarians themselves.

The Pleasure of Reading by Antonia Fraser - I love Antonia Fraser, and now she's writing about books. Hell yeah!

Remarkable Read: 34 Writers and Their Adventures in Reading edited by J. Peder Zane - This is basically essays about the books that changed writers' lives.

We Had a Little Real Estate Problem: The Unheralded Story of Native Americans & Comedy by Kliph Nesteroff - This is supposed to be absolutely hysterical. I'm pretty excited. It's important to see Native people as not just their tragedy.

Woot! That's it! I wish I remember where I heard about those books about books. Rats.