March 2021 TBR

I almost didn't get this done on time! I'm squeaking it in at the last minute on February 28. It's fine. I'm FINE. Lol.

It's time for the TBR game!! Here's the board at the beginning of the game.

And here is the Bomb Book I drew. I actually almost hope I get this because I need to read this book for my PopSugar challenge anyway.

All the Light We Cannot See by Anhony Doerr is the book that has been on my TBR shelf the longest.

First draw:

Seven of Clubs gives us...

Book published in 2019.

I chose...

The Bromance Book Club by Lyssa Kay Adams - This is a romance but the main character is an uber male baseball player who is trying to win his wife back.

And we replace the prompt...

A-Z Last Name - If I get this one, I'll pull up a letter generator and read a book authored by a person whose last name starts with that letter.

Draw 2.

Seven of Spades which gets us...

Newest Purchase! This took me a long to remember what I'd bought. Then I remembered I did a little retail therapy during my break down a couple of weeks ago.

Take a Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert - Another Romance. I promise not to make this whole list romance. This is the sequel to Get a Life, Chloe Brown that I loved last summer. This follows her sister, Dani.

And we replace the prompt:

A book my best friend would like.

Queen of Spades

Random # Generator. Here is the number I got:

Book number 105 on my Books On My Shelves on Goodreads is:

The Final Empire which is the first book in the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson. It's very confusing because the actual title of the book isn't on the cover. Very weird. This beast is 544 pages, but I've been wanting to read it.

No need to replace the prompt, so we'll move on to Draw 4

Three of Spades. That prompts is:

A Book You Associate With Your Favorite Person Place or Thing. I chose:

Jane Austen's England by Karin Quint - This fits the prompt becaue Mike bought me this book for Christmas. And it's not just the book. He donated to the creation of the book in my name, and my name is actually printed in the book. So Mike is my favorite person, and Jane Austen's England is my favorite place.

And we replace the prompt:

Women's Prize Winner - I don't actually even know what type of books have won the Women's Prize except that they're written by women. I'm a genius.

On to Draw 5

Two of Spades. That prompt is:

Nonfiction! Love it. To give myself a small break, I'm going to choose a book from my award stack:

Separate No More: The Long Road to Brown V. Board of Education by Lawrence Goldstone.

And to replace that prompt:

Disaster Porn - Looking forward to that one!

Draw 6:

5 of Hearts! And the prompt:

A Book with a Light Cover. Cool. I'm choosing a Library book for this.

Solutions and Other Problems by Allie Brosh - I picked this up today to move it. It's HEAVY! It's printed on fancy slick paper for the illustrations.

And the replacement for that prompt:

A Fantasy! That will be easy to come up with.

And here we have the final stack:

Not to mention that I also am reading Villette by Charlotte Bronte with a BookTuber I follow. So that's on my list. I almost forgot.

Also I need to read as much award reading as I can fit in. We will see what happens. So far, my reading an hour a day has worked pretty well. Of course, on the weekends I can read a lot. I nearly finished Fatal Grace today. It helps that it's a quick read.

So that's my TBR for March. Looks pretty good from this angle. Ask me again on March 15.