Friday Reads 3/19/21

Here we are. It's Friday. It doesn't feel like a Friday to me because my life is in chaos. I keep hoping to get my life to such a level of non-chaos that when something unexpected happens, I can actually roll with it instead of freaking right the heck out. But that's not why you're here. You're here for the books.

About that. I haven't managed to read for a whole hour this entire week. I read a little bit Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, but Thursday was a bust. We'll see if I get anything done today. I haven't finished a book and I'm now 5 books behind my Goodreads goal.

Villette by Charlotte Bronte - I don't think I've picked this up at all this week. The print is extremely small and I'm too tired to focus on small print. Small print also means I don't turn the pages as fast as usual.

Jane Austen's England by Karin Quint - This also has small print, but the pages are blessedly full of pictures. On the other hand, this is basically a travel guide. These are not meant to be read cover to cover, but that is what I'm doing. It's actually better than just a travel guide because it includes information about how each location is related to Jane Austen including quotes from her letters and her books. That part is what is keeping me invested in this book.

A Complicated Love Story Set in Space by Shaun David Hutchinson - I know I have important grown up books I still need to read, but I'm feeling like I could maybe concentrate of something light and fluffy and dumb. Also, I need to read some more award nominations.

The Meet-Cute Project by Rhiannon Richardson - On the same note of award nominations, this looks like a fluffy romance I could sneak in maybe. I'm keeping the pressure low, see.

Wish me luck!