Series I Definitely Want to Keep Reading

It has recently come to my attention that I have started a whole heap of series and kind of abandoned them. Part of that is because I'm not wholly in control of my reading right now, but part of it is just lack of focus. So I've added a shelf to my Goodreads with books that are in series. Here are some of the books in series that I definitely want to continue. Some of these have very long lists of books that come after them, but I am only including the next book in the series.

To Fetch a Thief by Spencer Quinn - I'm kind of afraid to keep reading in this series. At the end of the last book, some bad news came in for Chet. I'm going to assume everything turns out alright though, because there are several more books in the series?

Dragonshadow by Elle Katharine White - The first book in this series is Heartstone which is a fantasy retelling of Pride and Prejudice and I loved it! This is most likely a continuation of that story, but without the P&P part, since that story wrapped up.

Murder in the Rue Dumas by M. L. Longworth - This is the second in the series. I very much enjoyed the first one. I enjoyed the random French thrown in, as well as the accounts of life in this small town in France.

Undercover Bromance by Lyssa Kay Adams - The first one in this series is called The Bromance Book Club and is about a professional baseball player whose wife has had it with being a baseball wife. His team has him join their romance book club where they read romance books to figure out what women want. This one is about a different guy on the team who falls for the wife in the first book.

Between Burning Worlds by Jessica Brody and Joanne Rendell - This is the second book in the System Divine trilogy which began with Sky Without Stars. That one is a retelling of Les Miserables, but set in space. It isn't an exact retelling, but you can definitely see the similarities. This second book has over 700 pages which is why I haven't gotten around to reading it yet. The third book comes out this year, and I expect it will be equally large, if not larger.

A Perilous Undertaking by Deanna Raybourn - I read the first book in this series for book club a while back (time is relative now, and I thought it was last year, but probably not because Covid.) Veronica Speedwell is a feminist lady who finds herself solving mysteries. The banter is whip smart and the relationship between her and Stoker, her colleague, is hilarious.

Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb - Robin Hobb writes these high fantasy trilogies in which each book is hella long and involved. This series is about Fitz, who is a bastard son of a prince. His grandfather, the king, has trained him to be an assassin. This second book focuses on his career as an assassin.

A Rogue of One's Own by Evie Dunmore - This Edwardian Romance series is super fun. The women all belong to a group of suffragists in London. The men are generally members of the House of Lords. The ladies are targeting the Lords for their influence in voting for suffragette policies.

Take a Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert - I loved Get a Life, Chloe Brown which was the first one. In that one, the main character suffers from Fibromyalgia, which I can relate to. I know the third book in the series has a character with Autism, but I don't know if this book includes an invisible illness as well. Either way, I expect a good time.

Shorefall by Robert Jackson Bennett - Foundryside was the first in this trilogy. I enjoyed that one a lot. The dialog was quick and witty, the plot was sufficiently intricate, and the characters were fantastic. I expect more of the same from this one.

Artificial Condition by Martha Wells - This novella follows All Systems Red in the Murderbot Diaries. I forced my hubby to read the first one, and he went on a bender. He's read all the novellas and is currently working on the full-length novel which is number 5 in the series. I must catch up before he spoils the whole thing for me!

The Hawthorne Legacy by Jennifer Lynn Barnes - The first book in this trilogy, The Inheritance Games, was the best book I read in 2020. I'm really excited about this next one. The first one had major Knives Out vibes, which really made it awesome.

Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas - There are 7 books in this series, plus a book of 5 novellas. I'm on number 4. I'm pretty sure the books just get longer as the series goes along. The last book is nearly 1000 pages. Whew! I love the main character in these books. She is a serious badass.

Recipe for Persuasion by Sonali Dev - Pride, Prejudice, and Other Flavors was the first book. I really liked that P&P retelling. It will be no shock to anyone that this is a Persuasion retelling. Persuasion is my second-favorite Austen book, so this is going well for me.

The Cruelest Month by Louise Penny - This is the third book in the Armand Gamache series. Book 17 is due out this summer. I have a lot of fabulous reading ahead of me to catch up. She'll probably be on book 25 before I get there, though.

So there are the most interesting books on my series I want to keep reading list. What are some series you've been not reading?