June 2021 TBR

Yay! It's time for the TBR Game!!

Once again I am choosing 4 books. I have a couple of other required readings to do in June, so if I can get them on the TBR with the game, that will make my life a little easier.

Here we go!!

The Board at the beginning:

Draw 1

6 of Clubs

A-Z Title - This is fun! I pull up a Random Letter Generator on my phone and get a letter. Then I find a book whose title starts with that letter.

I got J. I forgot to take a picture. I a terrible blogger.

Of course my J book would be Jane Austen!!! I had several to choose from, but I opted for this one I bought on my first trip to Denver to take my kid to college.

I replace that prompt:

Hubby Pick! That will be a fun one! I'll call my husband Michael to come choose a book for me to read.

On to Draw 2!!

5 of Clubs. Yikes! He's Scary.

Draw 2 Prompt:

Right above the last draw.

This one required a little Goodreads Research to find a book with less than 1000 reviews. But here we go.

Resident Dog. My sister gave me this book at Easter. I looked at all the pages, but now I can go through and read the text.

Prettiest Cover on TBR. This will be interesting when this comes up. I have so many!

Draw 3!

6 of Diamonds

4 or more words in the title. Easy enough:

The House in the Cerulean Sea - Yes, this was on the May TBR, but then my book club chose it for the June book so I put it off. Also, it has more than 4 words on it.

I replaced that prompt with:

Shortest book on TBR. This one will require a little Goodreads research when it come up. That way, I don't have to go through every book, open it up, and see how many pages it has.

Draw 4!! Last one!

Queen of Spades.

Random Number Generator. For this one, I pull up a random number generator on my phone:

Now, I pull up my Goodreads list and find number 152.

Jane Austen: Women, Politics, and the Novel - Good thing I didn't pick this one for that J book!

Here are the 4 books from this game:

But I did mention I had some books I needed to work in if I could. I did work in the book club book, but I have another book club, now: The cozy book club. And that book is:

Lending a Paw - As you can see, this is a bookmobile cat mystery. Yes please.

Here is the whole TBR.

Once again, we will see what I can get read. But what fun!