Friday Reads 6/4/21

It's Friday! Hooray! And Hooray for having a whole weekend off! I only have one engagement this weekend, and that is a fun thing, so hopefully I will have lots of reading time! Here's what's on my plate:

Perfect on Paper by Sophie Gonzales - For someone who claims to be enjoying this book, I'm not spending a lot of time on it. I have this goal to read an hour a day, but on weeknights, that's a struggle. I have a lot of claims on my time, and mostly I just want to go to bed. But I am enjoying this one. And I liked Gonzales' last book. I just need motivation and uninterrupted reading time.

Jane Austen, the Secret Radical by Helena Kelly - I feel like I should probably start this soon as it could take some time to read it.

Tokyo Ever After by Emiko Jean - I have this on audiobook ready to go. It's about a Japanese-American teenager who finds out her biological father is a prince of Japan and she is a bonafide Japanese princess. She goes to Tokyo to get to know her family there, but she's not living up to their expectations.

Witches Steeped In Gold by Ciannon Smart - I started the audiobook of this, but the accents of the narrators were so thick that I struggled to understand it. So, I'm going to switch over to the book.

That's a pretty good start for June, I think.