June 2021 Goodreads Update Pt. 1

How the heck are we already halfway through June? I swear I just blinked and here we are! I hate summer, so I'm glad it's going fast, but dang!

Anyway, I've added books to my TBR, of course, so here we go.

The Guncle by Steven Rowley - "Guncle" is short for Gay Uncle. Patrick is a former sitcom star who lives in retirement in California in the manner to which he has become accustomed. His brother's wife dies and then has a health crisis and sends the two kids to live with GUP (Gay Uncle Patrick). Patrick loves his niece and nephew, but is not equipped to raise children. This sounds like fun.

Hour of the Witch by Chris Bohjalian - I'm perfectly content to read witch books while I wait for vampires to return to popularity. It's coming, I promise. Anyway, you know witch books are the thing when a celebrated literary fiction author writes one.

The Comfort Book by Matt Haig - Haig has written some wonderful fiction books. He has also written non-fiction about anxiety and depression which have been popular. Now he is writing a book of comfort. I'm here for it.

Somebody's Daughter by Ashley C. Ford - This is a memoir about the author growing up without a father because he was in prison. She idolizes him and thinks he's the only one who really understands her, but she doesn't know why he's in prison.

The Personal Librarian by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray - This is historical fiction about Belle da Costa Greene, J. P. Morgan's librarian for the Pierpont Morgan Library. She became one of the most powerful women in New York, but no one knew she is actually black.

Ethel Rosenberg: An American Tragedy by Anne Sebba - This whole situation is just sad. Apparently, new information has come out about Ethel Rosenberg to indicate she was not part of the espionage she was executed for. You know I love a true crime story, even when it isn't a crime.

Hola Papi!: How to Come Out in a Walmart Parking Lot and Other Life Lessons by John Paul Brammer - This is a collection of essays from a popular queer advice columnist who picked up the nickname Papi on a dating app because he is Latino. It's supposed to be hilarious.

The Ugly Cry by Danielle Henderson - This appears to be a theme: Memoirs. This time, she was raised by her grandparents when her mom left to start a new life with her addict boyfriend. Danielle was black in a white neighborhood, but her fierce grandmother wouldn't let her fail.

Everyone Knows Your Mother is a Witch by Rivka Galchen - Another witch book. Apparently, witch hunts weren't just a Salem thing. This book is set in 1618 in Germany, where Katharina Kepler is accused of being a witch because she is good with herbs and her kids are successful. Specifically her oldest son, Johannes. Yes, THAT Johannes Kepler. Katharina is whip smart and this book is rumored to be full of witty banter and humor, despite its depressing subject matter.

Incense and Sensibility by Sonali Dev - I'm way behind. I haven't read the first one and now we have the third! As I'm sure you can tell, it's a retelling of Sense and Sensibility, set in current-day California and starring the Raje family.

That's all I've added since the last update, but it's definitely more books than I read in the same amount of time. Sigh.