Summer TBR

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Summer TBR. Yet again we will be pretending that I can think that far ahead at this time in my life and that I have any cntrol over what I would like to read. So here is my purely hypothetical Summer TBR.

People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry - I read Henry's book Beach Read last summer and loved it. It looks like a fluffy romance book, but it's so much more than that. Yes, there's a romance, but the real story is deeper than that.

The Guncle by Steven Rowley - This cover just screams summer read. I mean, I'd read it any time of year, but the cover is very summery. This is about Patrick who is the gay uncle to a niece and nephew of whom he is now the sole caretaker. He is in no way prepared to raise children, but they need him, so they'll all just have to figure it out together.

Finlay Donovan is Killing It by Elle Cosmano - I have heard this is hysterical. I think hysterical is good for summer reading. Finlay Donovan is a single working mother, who accidentally gets hired to be a hit woman.

Kill the Farm Boy by Delilah S. Dawson and Kevin Hearne - This fantasy parody novel skewers the genre and the more ridiculous bits of famous fantasy stories in pop culture. The Princess Bride and Star Wars are not safe.

The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams - In this one, a library staff member fines a list of books she's never heard of before in the back of a book. She decides to read every book on the list. When a widower comes in looking to connect with his daughter over books, the girl gives him the list. The list connects the man and the girl through shared reading. My kind of story!

The Duke and I by Julia Quinn - This is the first book in the Bridgertons series that has recently become a hit TV series. I can't watch the show until I read the book, of course.

Wuhan Diary: Dispatches from the Original Epicenter by Fang Fang - Fang is a Chinese journalist who was in Wuhan  when the government first locked down the area at the outbreak of Covid-19. I want to read this while the memory of that year is still fresh for me. Already, it's starting to fade now that things are nearly back to pre-pandemic rates.

A Skeleton in the Family by Leigh Perry - A friend of mine who has a cozy mysteries YouTube channel loves this series. There is a dog, so I probably have to read it.

Nothin' But a Good Time by Tom Beaujour and Richard Bienstock - Not gonna lie, I think those author names are made up. I pre-ordered this but I haven't read it yet. It's really large. But I'm hoping there are pictures.

Take a Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert - I loved the first book in this romance series. They feature larger black women with various disabilities finding love. And they're funny.

Okay, there's 10 books that I think would be good summer reads. What books scream summer to you?