Friday Reads 7/2/21

First Friday in July! I have today off, but I'm doing a bunch of chores. I will read eventually, though. Here's what is on my TBR this week. I realize I just did a July TBR and at least one of these books is not on that list, but I didn't take into account the books I had on hold at the library. So those will appear randomly as they become available.

Olive, Mabel & Me by Andrew Cotter - I am half way through this one and I hope to finish it up today or tomorrow. These dogs are absolutely adorable! The way he writes them is hilarious and so thoroughly doggy.

The Guncle by Steven Rowley - This is waiting for me at my library to check out tomorrow. Luckily, it's not huge - only 326 pages - so I can probably fly through it and turn it back in for the next reader. There are many holds on it.

Everyone Dies Famous in a Small Town by Bonnie Sue Hitchcock - I am reading this for the award. It's also quite small and it's short stories. I might parse this out over a few days by reading a story or two a day. It's kind of hard to read short stories straight through. At least it is for me. I get confused. I picked this up from the library today. For some random reason, I sent it to the Broken Arrow Library instead of my own. Weirdo.

Love is a Revolution by Renee Watson - I guess I'll go ahead and finish this one out. I'm halfway through it, but I stopped reading it. It's also an award book. People seem to be liking it. Maybe the last half is good enough to make up for the first half being boring.

That's 2 whole books and 2 half books which comes out to 3 books total. That seems doable at this point in the week. We'll see what happens. I have to work tomorrow, but I am pretty open Sunday. Unless we end up having to visit people for July 4th.