Friday Reads 7/9/21

As it turns out, a couple of the books I put on my TBR are not eligible for the award, so I will be removing those and maybe replacing them with actually eligible books if I read all the others. So let's look at this weekend's reading goals.

The Guncle by Steven Rowley - I have about 20 pages of this left to read. I would have finished it last night, but everyone and the dogs wanted my attention. I hope to finish it tonight. I highly recommend it. It's hilarious and heart-warming and I really want to live next door to Patrick.

Love Is a Revolution by Renee Watson - I still need to finish this up. I think I can do it in a sitting, if I can get a sitting in this weekend. Maybe tomorrow evening. Tomorrow's daytime schedule is jam packed.

Your Heart My Sky by Margarita Engle - This one is short and in verse, so I think I can wrap it up this weekend.

10 Truths and a Dare by Ashley Elston - I'm hoping this comes in from the library this week. I just looked, it's in transit. I should get it Monday or Tuesday! Also, I really liked this author's last book and this promises to be similar.

Heartstopper Vol. 3 by Alice Oseman - When I looked at my account just now, I noticed that this lovely thing is also on the way to me. Woohoo! I love this series. This will be a single sitting read also.

She Drives Me Crazy by Kelly Quindlen - If I get through all of those, I'll pick up this one. It's a lesbian hate-to-love romance.

We Are Inevitable by Gayle Forman - I almost forgot! I'm listening to this one. I think it's a romance in the end, but right now, 40% of the way through, I really dislike the main character. I'll probably finish this early next week.

One of the Good Ones by Mailka Moulite and Maritza Moulite - After I finish that last one, I'll start this audiobook. I don't have the actual book, but I do have the audio, so that will take care of that.

I did the math yesterday. I'm currently 10 books ahead of schedule, but I need to be 25 books ahead to catch up to that 150 books goal. I think I can do it. Especially with all these short books and audiobooks. I listen to audiobooks on 1.5-2 times speed, so they go faster. Also listening to audiobooks means I can read while driving! It doesn't take away from my sitting on the couch reading time! It adds to it! Win/Win.

This is 8 books, which is a lot. But 2 are audiobooks, one is almost finished, 1 is halfway finished, and 2 more are 1-sitting reads. This only leaves 2 books that will take more than a sitting to get through. I think that's doable. I hope. Read on!