Friday Reads 7/16/21

I got a surprise work-from-home day today! Woohoo! My car thinks it's a 3-day weekend since we didn't go to work today. I got a lot read this last week, and I'm hoping to continue that momentum. Historically, the last two weeks of a month tend to go limp, but I'm hoping to keep up my speed.

One of the Good Ones by Maika and Maritza Moulite - I am currently listening to this one on audiobook and I'm almost halfway through. It's told through three voices. Happy and Jenny are sisters whose third sister was killed after being arrested at a rally protesting police brutality. The third voice is a girl who doesn't seem to be related to the other girls at all other than she was at an audition for a TV show that Happy's boyfriend got a part at. I haven't figured out how she's related to the story yet. The sisters are planning a road trip from Chicago to L.A. using the Green Book, a book for black motorists that told them which places were safe for black people while they were on the road.

The Premonition by Michael Lewis - I started this the other day. It's not an award book, so I have to read just a little bit every day while I try to squeeze in award books. So far, it's about various people who knew a pandemic was coming and tried to get their communities prepared for it. I generally haven't wanted to read anything by Lewis because most of his books are about sports and politics. I guess this is kind of about politics, but you know I'm a sucker for pandemic books.

You Have a Match by Emma Lord - This has been sitting on my shelf since February, I think. Anyway, it promises to be a short read. It's a YA romance, so it should go quick.

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid - Book club is in one week. I've read this before, but I really liked it, so I should probably reread it before book club.

Once Upon a Quincenera by Monica Gomez-Hira - When I finish my audiobook I'll probably start this one next. It's literally one of two audiobooks I have that are on my award list. I will either have to listen to something that isn't an award book, or hope my library is actually purchasing audiobooks for new YA books (which they aren't). And the other audiobook I have is one I really wanted to read in print.

List of Ten by Halli Gomez - This one is about a teen with Tourette's and OCD. What a combo! I'm going to go ahead and put this on here in case I can squeeze it in somewhere. With two adult books on the list, I don't hold out much hope, but we'll see. Maybe I'll surprise myself.

There it is. My weekly TBR. Wish me luck.