Friday Reads 7/30/21

This week was... involved. Lots of running around being places on time. Kind of chaotic. So naturally, I am 3 books behind on my reading goal. Time to spend a weekend reading. I have a party to go to Saturday night and I have to be in church Sunday morning, but other than that it's just the weekly chores. Hopefully, I can work in a bunch of reading. What shall I read?

The Premonition by Michael Lewis - I'm about half way through this, still. I have the print copy of the book now.

Witches Steeped in Gold by Ciannon Smart - I've started the ebook of this one. I'm not far in, but still farther than when I was listening to it.

Blade of Secrets by Tricia Levenseller - I'm a couple of chapters in on this one, and I'd like to keep going.

Anti-Diet by Christy Harrison - I started this one last night. So I guess I'll keep working on it.

Instructions for Dancing by Nicola Yoon - I started listening to this one this morning and I really like it so far. I'll keep listening next week back and forth to work.

I got a couple of graphic novels in the mail yesterday that I can read to boost my numbers. I can't remember what one of them is, but the other is:

Cheer Up!: Love and Pompoms by Crystal Frasier - Looks doofy, but it won't take long to read.

So that's what I will be attempting to read this week. What's on your stack?