July 2021 Wrap Up

Welp. Since the last time I updated you, I've finished... wait for it... 1 book. An audiobook. So thank God for audiobooks, I guess.

One of the Good Ones by Maika Moulite and Maritza Moulite - This was hard to read. The two girls are grieving the death of their sister after she was arrested at a protest. The death is described in flashbacks told by the dead sister. They decide to go on a road trip from St. Louis to California on Route 66, stopping at places in the Green Book that was used to tell black travelers where it was safe to stop. There are flashbacks to their great-grandparents' lives as well. There is a big twist in the middle which changes the whole trajectory of the story, but I thought it was pretty good.

And that's it. I've started about 5 other things, but not gotten very far in any of them.

Oh well. Better luck next month.

I did finish 13 books this month, even if they weren't the ones I'd originally started out to read. Whatever. It's fine.