Friday Reads 9/3/2021

Welp. Here we are. I haven't done much since the last time we met here. Let's talk about my books.

Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir - I think a read a few pages of this this week, but I'm still not half way through.

Act Cool by Tobly McSmith - I started this yesterday on audio on a whim and I'm 49% through it. This is an excellent sign. I haven't listened to an audiobook in weeks.

Instructions for Dancing by Nicola Yoon - When I finish Act Cool, I'll probably go back to listening to this one. I'm about 50% through it, but I just quit listening. I didn't hate it, so I think I can go back to it.

The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams - This came in from the library and I'm pretty excited about it. It came in on Wednesday and I haven't bothered to open it, yet, but maybe this weekend? Maybe. I'm hopeful.

I have to work tomorrow, but I'll take The Reading List with me to read at lunch. Sunday might be busy, but maybe I can read. We'll see.