Friday Reads 10/15/21

So ok. It is officially half way through the month. I have finished 1 book. We can't be having this. I have to drop my massive vampire book and go back to reading the award books. I did not get to the half way mark last weekend as I'd hoped. I added it to my Amazon wish list because I am really enjoying it, but I have too many other responsibilities right now. So here is what I'll be reading this weekend.

Down Comes the Night by Allison Saft - I'm about a third of the way through this. It's just starting to get to the creepy house bits. I'm liking the characters. Hopefully I can plow through this this weekend. Crossing fingers.

That Weekend by Kara Thomas - I have this checked out from the library so I better get on it. This is a contemporary horror YA book. I haven't read this author before, but she is on my TBR. It's not very long.

Vampires, Hearts, & Other Dead Things by Margie Fuston - Maybe I can knock this one out, too. I'm trying to remember what's on my TBR! I know this is.

The Obsession by Jesse Q. Sutanto - This is a long shot. It would be very weird for me to finish 4 books in a week these days. But a girl can dream.